Lagoonal fishery and fish farming. A contribution to the possibility of its development on the Yugoslav coast of the Adriatic
The writer gives a survey of some localities on the eastern coast of the Adriatic suitable a new form of fishery production - aquiculture in the first place.
The characteristics of some coves are given. The author deals particularly with the Pomerski fish pond in Istria and the Bay of Medulin, which he considers very suitable for intensive mollusc farming. In the Dalmatian coastal region the Karinsko sea is considered to be suitable for the construction of fishing gadgets and winter quarters for fish. As to the largest lake in SR Croatia the author refers the reader to the already prepared study, and he considers the Morinje cove to be very appropriate and thus also the »Pantan« fish pond, which makes the combined farming, i. e. fresh water fish (trout) and salt water fish, possible. The Neretva mouth region is one of the best for lagoonal fishery, jor eel fishing in particular. In the region of SR Montenegro the autor calls our attention to the lake of Saško which, with its natural conditions, offers great possibilities of developing the lagoonal type of fishery.
The paper gives also the data on the preliminary trials with additional food for the gray mullet in the basins, and also the calculations on the possibilities and advantages of fertilizing some areas.
The results achieved in aquaculture in other Mediterranean countries are given in brief.
Among other conclusions the autor stresses the necessity of awarding scholarships to research workers to study this form of the applied biologic discipline, which is spreading more and more in other seashore countries.