The Adriatic sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) - biology and fisheries
In the Adriatic Sea, the sprat is distributed mainly in its northern-most region. The migrations of the fish are limited locally and are closely related to the temperature conditions of the sea. In the winter season, when homothermal conditions are established, the sprat schools disperse throughout the entire Venice Bay and Quarner area, where spawning takes place. It was calculated that in the years 1964-1968. the sprat stock in the area was about 100.000 metric tons.
In Yugoslavia, the yearly landings of sprat fluctuate between 2.500 and 5.500 metric tons. About 75% of the cathes are realised between September and April. Mostly two and threeyear-old fish are taken.
It is considered that the fluctuations in Yugoslav landings of sprat are not caused by natural fluctuations of the fish stock but that they reflect the demands of the market.