Results of the stomach contents analysis of Squalus fernandinus Molina
The paper gives the results of the contents analysis of the stomack of the cartilaginous fish Squalus fernandinus Molina. The material for elaboration had been collected from 1968 to 1970 at 3 stations (61, 71 and 72) by an earlier expedition »Hvar« (K a r l o v a c, 1956). Forty-three fishes of both sexes were studied. From the obtained results (Tab. 1, 2) it follows that this species feeds mostly on cephalopoda, which make 37.93% of food, then crabs (32.75%), fish (22.41%), and polychaeta (5.17%) (Fig. 1). Among the cephalopoda the most frequently found were the species of the genera Ozeana, Illex, Todaropsis, among the crabs Upogebia sp. and the fish Argentina sphyraena. As these food elements are benthic organisms it is clear that this fish finds its food on the bottom.
Selectivity in nourishment is expressed by its preference for cephalopoda and crabs.
The food composition analysis of sexes did not show any differences. The main nourishment of the fish of both sexes consists of cephalopoda and crabs, and the percentage of representation of these systematic groups in the food of both sexes is almost equal (Tab. 3).
One adult female’s stomack contained 5 Nematode worms.