The IRMA concept applied to River Cetina and Split catchment


  • Alessandro BETTIN
  • Augusto PRETNER
  • Alessandro BERTONI
  • Jure MARGETA
  • Marco GONELLA
  • Paolo POLO


IRMA concept, River Cetina, Split, models MIKE 11 and MOUSE


        Integrated coastal zone and river basin management systems are being developed to meet important societal needs such as the sustainable development of coastal areas, the exploitation of their resources and the protection of the coastal environment. The sustainable development of coastal areas depends on the quality of the marine environment. In this context, the ADRICOSM project (ADRIatic sea integrated COastal areaS and river basin Management system pilot project) has developed an assessment/forecasting system that enables policy decisions to be taken in a modern and efficient way. The integrated approach imposed by the EC’s Water Framework Directive has been validated in a pilot area located in Croatia that includes all the main components responsible for pollution generation and transportation: urban watershed, river basin and coastal area. An integrated model has been developed combining different tools to simulate the hydraulic and waterquality performance of the overall system. This model has then been used to forecast the benefits derived from priority works focused on reducing land-based pollution.






ADRICOSM Proceedings