The significance of Acta Adriatica in scientific communication in the field of marine biology, fisheries and oceanography


  • Maja JOKIĆ


Acta Adriatica, significance, role


      In scientific common communication, a journal represents the key communication channel. The aim of this research is to assess the significance and role of the Acta Adriatica journal in sci­entific communication in the field of marine biology, fisheries and oceanography for the broader scientific community. Lead by this intention, we analyzed the representation of papers from this journal in relevant international secondary sources as well as their citation index in the Science Citation Index (SCI). Established was the distribution of papers within ten years, from 1987-1996, by fields and the representation of authors outside Croatia.

        According to the results achieved, Acta Adriatica belongs to the group of Croatian journals that are available to the interested scientific community, by being represented in 12 secondary elec­tronic sources of information - databases. Evident is the interest of scientists abroad Croatia to pub­lish results of their research in this journal. As to achieve more intensive communication among sci­entists involved in marine biology, fisheries and oceanography, at an international level, the qual­ity of the journal could be improved by introducing an international Board of reviewers, and by greater financial means that would enable its regular publishing, at least twice a year.






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