Marine algae of the West Greek coasts
Systematic classification, geographical as well as seasonal distribution of marine macrophyceae developing in photophile and sublittoral regions of hard substrates have been studied as regards the West Greek coasts. A total of which 170 taxa of algae have been recognized, 33 of which belong to Phaephyceae, 9 to Chlorophyceae, 25 to Bryopsidophyceae, 5 to Bangiophyceae, 104 to Florideophyceae and 3 to marine Phanerogams. According to Feldmann range (1937) the R/P = 3.3 ratio displays an Atlantic subtropical character of flora. C h e n e y (1977) however, reports that the R+C+B/P = 4.33 value is indicative of a rather tropical nature of flora.
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