Comparison of the morphometrics and meristics of Tilapia zillii in two ecologically different lakes


  • Nabila F. BISHARA


       The morphometrics and meristics of T. zillii (Gervais) in the brackish water Lake Manzalah and the saline water Lake Qarun, were studied, and regression equations rela­ting different body measurements to total length were deduced.

        To verify the mode of growth of different body parts the variance technique was adopted and it was proved that there is a significant difference both in the mode of growth body measurements and in meristic characters.

         The mean observed rations of the different body proportions to either total fish length, head length or interobital width, were used for the comparative growth studies of the species.

        Counts of different meristic characters were also carried out, and the general characteristic features of the species were recorded. It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the morphometric and meristic characters of T. zillii in brackish and saline waters.





