The sea as the recipient of the waste water
On the basis of the presented thesis it is obvious that the problem of the disposition of the waste water in the coastal sea by the underwater deep sea autfalls ask for a working team’s approach. To solve this task is expected that the experts in the various scientific fields should work together; fields such as Space planning, Sanitary-hydrotechnics, Oceanography, Geology, Biology and Chemistry.
The planning of the underwater deep sea outfall is stipulated firstly by working out a space and public plan of the respective coastal area, and secondly by an elaborate programme of the researches on the shore, and as well in the sea. The analysis of the outfall undoubtedly precedes the presented planning.
Research programme must be a complex one, allowing the possibility to give answers to all the problems that a given task poses, keeping account of every process that is going on in the sea during the disposal of the waste water, and keeping account as well of all the possible consequences to the ecosystem of the aquatory which is supposed to be used as the recipient.
The parameters that should be investigated are numberd in the paper, since they enter in the calculation of the capacity to receive the waste water, and as well the calculation of the development of the expected processes. Beside the denomination of these proposed parameters, there are certain offered dilemmas which an engineer encounter in planning the deep sea outfall, and to which, up today, there are no given recommendations, and neither any certain answers.