Meiofaunal structure and bioproductivity of clean and artificially fertilized environments in coastal lagoon (Strunjan, North Adriatic)


  • Borut VRIŠER


        The structure and biomass modifications of meiofauna in the experimental basins of Strunjan lagoon, North Adriatic, was studied.

        Species diversity of meiofauna community was low. The dominant group in the community were Nematoda. Besides nematods some other groups such as Harpacticoida, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Ostracoda have to be considered significant.

        The bioproductivity of meiofauna was estimated as abundance and dry weight. The average bioproductivity of meiofauna in the clean basin was very high — 2979 specimens/10 cm2 and 15,7 mg/10 cm2 respectively. The average abundance in the non-polluted basin was lower — 1066 ind./10 cm2, and 16 mg of dry weight/10 cm2.

        Slight reduction of abundance was the main effect of pollution at the beginning of the experiment, however, the whole meiofauna community was destroyed after one year, due to anoxic stress caused by decompostion of Ulva rigida.






4th Symposium of Yugoslav Oceanographers , Split, 17-19 November 1980