Results of the research activities of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries for the fifty years of its existence
This Report has been written using as sources of information the results published in the Institute’s publications. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to consult all the papers of the workers and associates of the Institute published in publications other than Institute’s, either Yugoslav or foreign. However, contributions of some associate members of the Institute published in the Institute’s publications are also included. This refers to those whose work here added, either through field work or in any other way, to the general work of the Institute. This Report includes a complete Bibliography. Therefore, the authors are not separately cited in the body of the Report.
The principal scientific journal of the Institute, »Acta Adriatica«, first issued in 1932, has so far published 21 volumes with a total of 270 papers. »Bilješke« (»Notes«) include short communications which require quick publication. About 40 short communications have been published up to now. »Izvješća« (»Reports«) publish the results of the Fishery-Biology Expedition HVAR, wherein 6 volumes and 17 papers have been issued. The exclusive publication »Fauna i flora Jadrana« (»Fauna and Flora of the Adriatic) includes 3 monographs. The series »Posebna izdanja« (»Special Issues«) has 7 issued books.
Two Annual Reports (1938 and 1939) with 23 papers were published in the pre-war period. In the post-war period the Annual Reports have been published for internal use only. »Zbornik radova« (»Collected Reprints«), including the papers of the Institute’s workers published in the publications other than Institute’s, have been edited since 1968. Two volumes issued up to now include 86 papers. More than 150 specialist publications (»Studije i elaborati« — »Studies and Projected Reports« — 43 recorded) should also be mentioned. They were made on request of different firms and socio-political communities.
So far, i.e. in the proceeding 50 years, a total of 598 scientific and specialist papers have been printed in the Institute’s publications. It has not been possible to determine the number of papers issued in publications other than the Institute’s. This number is likely to exceed 600 papers. Thus, it may be said that the number of papers of the Institute’s workers and associates amounts to more than 1,200. However, very intensive activities on popularization of science have not yet been mentioned. This refers to a large number of Popular science articles and collaboration with the press, radio broadcast and television.
Unfortunately, it has not been possible to discuss individually all the results obtained. Therefore, they have been grouped by themes and results summarised. Almost all the investigations refer to the Adriatic Sea. The scientific achievements of the Institute have been segregated into the following twelve categories.
1. Expeditions and Field Work
2. Hydrography
3. Dynamics
4. Flora and Fauna
5. Ecology
6. Primary and Secondary Organic Production
7. Promotion of Fisheries
8. Relations between the Adriatic and Mediterranean
9. Relations between the Coastal Sea and Open Waters
10. Impact of Man on the Sea, Co-operation with Firms and International Cooperation
11. New General Knowledge of the Adriatic Sea
12. Perspectives of the Future Research Activities