The family Ampeliscidae of the Adriatic Sea
(64. contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda)
The species of the family Ampeliscidae from the Adriatic Sea are treated and two genera with 10 species are redescribed and figured: genus Ampelisca with the species: A. brevicornis (Costa 1853), A. diadema (Costa 1853), A. gibba Sars 1882, A. dalmatina G. Kar. 1975, A. rubella Costa 1864, A sarsi Chevreux 1888, A. spinimana Chevreux 1887, A. tenuicornis Liljeborg 1885 and A. typica (Bate 1856); genus Haploops with the species H. tubicola Liljeborg 1855.
The species A. gibba, A spinimana and A. tenuicornis are newly reported from the Adriatic Sea.
A key to the genera and species of the Family Ampeliscidae from Adriatic Sea is presented.