The Adriatic and Mediterranean fisheries illustrated by statistical data
By considering the structure of the Yugoslav and Italian fleets engaged in fiching, the author finds out the predominant size of vessels and the empmoyed fishing techniques. At the same time, the fishermen in each of the two countries are proportionally grouped according to their permanent or periodical engagemen in fishing, which is also linked to productivity of fisheries.
The development of electronic devices used in detecting of fish schools and watching their movements is also dealt with. The refrigeratory equipment owend by the vessels for the purprose of fish preservation then discribed.
The Adriatic caches are surveyed quantitatively by species and, basing on thant survey, the qualitative analysis is made of the structure of catches in both countries.
While dealing with the Mediterranean catches, the catch sizes of five most important Yugoslav fish species are compared with the catches of those fish species in various Mediterranean countries and in the seas of the world.
Tabularly formulated data are given to show the total marine catches in varius countries in the Mediterranean area. In order to complete the outline of total fisheries activity in each of the countries concerned, some results obtained in that field are also considered.
The closing chapter contains a survey of marine catches in various Mediterranean regions, showing also the share ef each of the countries in the total catch.