Spatial protection of sea regions as a contribution to the protection of ecosystems


  • Zvjezdica MIKULIĆ


       The Adriatic if the unique ecosystem. Excessive and irregular utilization of its wealth as well as insufficient realisation of the protective measures, caused the reduction of numerous sea organisms.

        Fishing-tackle is being used without control, and in fishing even some unal­lowed instruments, especially dynamite are used.

        Special problem is pollution of the sea, which is from day to day, more and more polluted by various waste stufbfs.

        More rigorous orders must be given, some regions have to be proclaimed, the reservations, and some animal species have to be specially protected. This especially refers to the Mediterranean seal Monachus albiventer, which is the most imperilled species of the Adriatic fauna.





3rd Symposium of Yugoslav oceanographers, Split, 5-8 December 1972