Development aspects of the sea fishing in Yugoslavia


  • Srđan SRDAR


       This work which is devoted to the questions of development of the sea fishing, starts with the definition of the main determinants of the development potentials, that is: natural resources, human factor, technical progress, demand and consumption of fish and fish products, level and structure of production and institutitional factor.

         The autor divides the post-war development of the fishing economy in three phasea and for each of them lists the changes that took place in each particular phase.

        In the third phase he states an intensification of structural disproportions that have appeared after the war already, manifesting themselves in a much faster increase in demand for fish as row material for industrial production, than in demand of the demestic market which needs fish as consumption good.

       The insufficiency of offer by the domestic fishing is being substituted through import of fish as raw material for industrial production and as consumption good as well. The new element that is noticeable in the third phase since 1969 is the prevailing use of deep frozen fish as consumption good, that gives a significant feature to the further development of domestic market. At the end the autor considers possible variants of development and puts forward a request for a lonrange program of development of the fishing economy in Yugoslavia.





3rd Symposium of Yugoslav oceanographers, Split, 5-8 December 1972