Contributions to the knowledge of migrations and the volume of the pilchard and anchovy populations in the northern Adriatic


  • Jože ŠTIRN
  • Lado KUBIK


     The exceptional bioproductive conditions and the relatively little exploitation of the abundant populations of the pelagic fishes in the Northern Adriatic makes of this part a unique and the most perspective fishing ground in the whole Adriatic. Therefore, it should be included into most intensive and coordinated oceanographic and bio-fishery investigations.

       The riches of the Northern Adriatic are based mainly on the fertilizing effects of the river influxes and they depend entirely on the quality of the latter. Any further industrial pollution of this area would mean utter catastrophy not only for its recreative values but also for fishery in general, which is why the protection of the balance of nature of the Northern Adriatic should be given priority.

        The area of the Northern Adriatic is inhabited by relatively abundant populations of the small pelagic fishes, which can be approximately estimated as follows:

        - anchovy 250,000 tons (according to Š t i r n, 1969)

        - pilchard 100,000 tons (according to the estimate in this Contribution)

        - sprat 100,000 tons (according to Z a v o d n i k, 1970)

        The basic but only preliminary lawfulness of space and time distribution and migration are given for these populations.

             Fishery in the Northern Adriatic exploits only 30,000 tons, i.e. 7% of the available stocks of which Italy uses 70% and Yugoslavia only 30%. Therefore quite reliable theoretic possibilities are exposed and these could increase our almost limit­less anchovy catches and at least double those of pilchard and sprat. It is possible to achieve this by means of the concurrently introduced scientific programming of fishery which would apply modern fishery technology and, especially so, essentially changed orientation of industrial processing.





3rd Symposium of Yugoslav oceanographers, Split, 5-8 December 1972