Zoobentos of Kaštela Bay: state and problems
The data obtained by trawling (1972-1988) showed the zoobenthic biomass in the bay to be still high, no changes with respect to the biomass, having been recorded for the last two decades. As to the structure of biocoenosis of the coastal terrigeneous muds no serious changes have been observed, at least within about eighty macroforms which make up the bulk of the biomass.
The floor of the bay has been soiled from one year to another by the discard of man-fabricated materials released into the bay in the form of wastes, preventing a growing problem.
Individual bay parts are strongly affected by bottom currents, so that it may be assumed that those parts are well aerated.
Settlements of shellfishes Lithophaga lithophaga and Arca noae are well developed in the area of Resnik (Kaštel Stari).
Ecological balance in benthic settlements in the eastern part of the bay, near Grmovac point. Šilo rock and Kaštel Gomilica, has been disturbed by different types of pollution that have caused considerable changes and degradation of these settlements. However, the structure of surface biocoenoses of the Bene cove has been only sligthly changed, manifested as the presence of some nitrophilous species.