Gale and storm winds in the Adriatic
In the first part a survey of the past investigations of gale and storm winds in the Adriatic is outlind. The second part od the work includes the analysis of the results of observations and measuremensts of gale and storm winds carried out at meteorogical stations, lighthouses and ships in 20-year period (1957 -1976). For each one degree wide quadrant the wind roses for gale and storm winds for winter season are described. The characteristics of wind regime of the northern Adriatic, where the bora wind is the predominant one and of the southeren part of the Adriatic where the schiroco wind is the strongest one, are presented. Further the areas of the strongest observed winds are analysed and the values of highest winds recorded till now at anemographs locations discussed.
In the third part the assesment of the strongest winds which could occur once in a 50-year period in the Adriatic, based on the theory of extremes of JENKINSON, is outlined.