A contribution to the revision of classification of the Adriatic foraminifera


  • Slobodan ALFIREVIĆ


        In determination of individual species of the Adriatic foraminifera the problem arose of their classification as described by our and foreign authors in 19th century. Ho­wever, the author already made a preliminary revision in 1964, taking into account five systematic categories (species, genus, subfamilia, familia, ordo) for the registered species.

        The more recent foraminiferological literature gives the division in the classification of foraminifera in more detail on the basis of the criticism of all the earlier classification by different authors. Thus, the classification now has seven categories (species, genus, subfamilia, familia, superfamilia, subordo, ordo). In this connexion the author gives the re­sults of comparison of the earlier made revision with the enlarged, more complete revision of classification of the Adriatic foraminifera, taking into account seven systematic categories.




